- input will search for specific twitter hashtag.
- refresh is made every 60 second but you can stop it, enjoy.
Demo real time
Demo mock service : no refresh button
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> ...
<link href="css/ng-twitter.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type="javascripts/javascript" src="angular.min.js" />
<script type="javascripts/javascript" src="angular-mocks.js" />
<script type="javascripts/javascript" src="angular-sanitize.min.js" />
<script type="javascripts/javascript" src="ng-twitter.min.js" />
</head> <body> ...
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="ctrl"> <div tweets hashtag="hashtag" button="true" hash='true' count="3" refresh="15"/> </div>
<script type="text/javascript"> var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ngTwitter', 'ngMockE2E']); app.run(function($httpBackend) { var tweet = { "text": "Aggressive Ponytail #hash", "retweet_count": 22, "entities": { "hashtags": [ { "text": "hash", "indices": [ 15, 25 ] } ], "user_mentions": [ ] }, "user": { "screen_name": "toto" } }; var tweets = []; for (var i=0;i<15;i++) { var t = {}; angular.copy(tweet, t); t["retweet_count"] = i; t["text"] = 'this is a demo #hashtag'+i; tweets.push(t); } var mockTweets = { "statuses": tweets, "search_metadata": { "max_id": 250126199840518145, "since_id": 24012619984051000 } }; // returns the current list of phones $httpBackend.whenGET('/search?hashtag=football').respond(mockTweets); }); function ctrl($scope, $filter) { $scope.hashtag = 'football'; } </script>
</body> </html>